The Story
The new Styrian Location Film emotionally portrays the innovative power of the Styrian economy coupled with the unique nature and the charisma of the people living there. Tradition and innovation, arts and culture, sports and nature face each other and yet form a unity. In the interaction between men and nature, Styria becomes an overall experience.
The core message of the film is to increase the attractiveness of Styria to investors and future workers in a national and international context. The scenic diversity and the Styrian way of life should awaken the desire to become part of this country and its people.
The film is a production of ScienceVision for SFG, Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark, Land Steiermark, Voest Alpine and Industriellenvereinigung Steiermark.
4K & 2.0
1x 3min
Production Team
Written, directed and photographed by Michael Schlamberger
● Edit, Grafic Design and Grading Omer Sacic ● Music Ernst Gottschmann ● Interpreters Christian Eidlhuber (Violins), Ernst Gottschmann (Guitars, Harmonica, Bass, Keys) ● Dubbing Editor & Mix Martin Rohrmoser ● Production Manager Anita Pfeffinger ● Executive Producer Rita Schlamberger
Neranchara Adam, Amelie Cooke, Heimat- und Trachtenverein „D’Grazerfelder z’Kalsdorf“, Bettina Dreissger, Mia Ehrenhöfer, Erin Foxhall, Christine Franz, Mathias Graschy, Teufelsknechte Gratkorn, Bettina Grieshofer, Rene Guhl, Helmut Kalander & Bärli, Tamara Kögl, Martin Kolar, Tom Lohner, Kyrillos Mikhail, Janet Oriakh, Alma Sacic, Yasmine Heyer & Uwe Sattelkov (Grazer Akrosphäre), Andreas Zangl, Huiwen Zhang
Compagnia Finzi Pasca, Zygos Brass Band
Thanks to
Matthias Aberer, Andritz AG, AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik, Da Loam, Roland Furian, Grüner See – Gemeinde Tragöß, Nationalpark Gesäuse, Hödl Ulrike, Holzinnovationszentrum, Universalmuseum Joanneum (Kunsthaus Graz, Joanneumsviertel, Schloss Eggenberg), Kapo Holding, Mario Kaufmann, Klanglicht, La Strada – die ORGANISATION, Lipizzanergestüt Piber, Luftbild: Stadtvermessungsamt Graz, Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik und Aerospace, Mayr-Melnhof Holz Central Services, Medizinische Universität Graz, Familie Movia, NH Hotel Group, Rafting Camp Palfau, Rogner Bad Blumau, Skybar I Schlossberg, Esther Stocker, VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center, voestalpine Metal Engineering, XAL, Zentrum für Wissens- und Technologietransfer in der Medizin, Zeta Biopharma
A Production of ScienceVision for SFG, Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark, Land Steiermark, Voest Alpine and Industriellenvereinigung Steiermark.